Patient News

  1. Fueling AFTER Your Workout

    You just crossed the finish line of a half marathon race, you are walking out of the gym after a great spin class, or maybe you just sprinted across home plate to bring in the winning run of your softball game – time to celebrate your hard work with some post workout hot wings and […]

  2. Fueling Before Your Workout

    Are you maximizing your workout with proper eating habits? Nutrition can drastically affect how we perform in a workout class at the gym or a competition we have been training for.   Here are some quick tips for maximizing your fueling process: FULL MEAL If your workout is later in the day, try to plan a […]

  3. Build a Better Salad For Your Meal

    Greens The more vibrant in color the better! Colors in foods often showcase the different nutrients the plant contains. Greens vary by taste and crunch, so try a bunch of different varieties and even try mixing them together! Check out this website ( to learn more about taste and texture of commonly purchased greens. Vegetable […]

  4. The Barish Legacy

    Our Dr. Barish attended University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida for his Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry and his MD at the UF College of Medicine. On May 20, his legacy continued as his son, Dr. Jacob Leo Barish, graduated with his Doctor of Medicine degree. Dr. Charles Barish was invited to be an […]

  5. Healthy Picnic Recipes

    Memorial Day is just around the corner! You can’t show up to a picnic without a side dish, so why not prepare a nice refreshing salad to share with your friends and family! The Food Network has many great picnic recipes, but I have selected two of them to challenge you to try new veggies! […]

  6. Meal Plan with the Weekly Grocery Store Flyer

    We all get into a rut of preparing the same meals over and over. Meal planning can be boring and tedious. Liven it up by using your local grocery store’s weekly sales flyer! Our office is near a large grocery store, so I will be using their weekly ad to create a meal plan for […]

  7. Pathology CAP Certification

    Congratulations are in order! Wake Internal Medicine Consultants is proud to announce that after months of rigorous preparation, dedication, and team effort the Pathology Lab has passed their CAP (College of American Pathologists) inspection and did so with zero deficiencies/citations. CAP Accreditation is the gold standard for pathology labs. Thanks to this achievement, we will […]

  8. “5-A-Day” Fruits and Vegetables

    Do you get the recommended “5-A-Day” of fruits and vegetables? That means 2 fruits and 3 vegetables, or 3 fruits and 2 vegetables, or maybe even 4 vegetables and 1 fruit! Bottom line, increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables is a simple way to make your diet healthier! It’s grilling season, so don’t forget […]

  9. Benefits of a Food Journal

    Do you want to lose weight but do not know where to start? Your answer could be a food journal. A food journal can be as simple as writing down everything you eat in a day on a pad of paper while lying in bed at night, or as involved as plugging in your foods […]

  10. How to Quiet that Rumble Coming From Your Belly

    Often times midafternoon, hours before dinner time, our stomachs begin a loud rumbling that lets us know we need to eat something. Your breakfast and lunch were pretty healthy and you do not want to undermine the hard work you have already put into your diet today. Below are some healthy snacks that are packed […]

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Raleigh, NC 27612

Phone: (919) 719-2600

Fax: (919) 714-6005

Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm

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North Raleigh

10880 Durant Rd, Suite 100

Raleigh, NC 2.7614

Phone: (919) 719-2600

Fax: (919) 714-6005

Wednesday: 8:00am – 5:00pm

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